What is the difference between HMI and SCADA and MMI

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What is the difference between HMI and SCADA and MMI..

Answer / a

HMI/MMI, Panel mountable display to view the operation

SCADA, Real time computer based Graphical system to view
the process dynamics such as real time equipment vibration,
level and pressure.(including ON/OFF status)

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What is the difference between HMI and SCADA and MMI..

Answer / gyani

It was first MMI man machine interface and was objected by
US Girls engineer/operator,so changed to HMI human machine
inteface= difference zero. SCADA & HMI having more or less
equal features.company's choice too to make separate.

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What is the difference between HMI and SCADA and MMI..

Answer / ayid

hmi& mmi are same
all of them hmi& scada are controling software where PLC&DCS
are controling hardware
SCADA depends upon tags & packages so that its prise more
than HMI

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What is the difference between HMI and SCADA and MMI..

Answer / nadia

HMI is human machine interface, SCADA is supervisory
control and data acqusitions, MMI is man machine interface

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