Engineering Interview Questions
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why is steam-water separation equipment so important in good boiler operation?

5 7624

what is meant by excess air?

4 11167

purpose of primary and secondary air? causes of smoke?


what is continuous-emission monitoring(CEM)System?

1 3847

how to calculate the 45 degree bent up length. if we given that whether the total length of the slab reinforcement will increase or not. mantion it clearly please. this is for bar bending schedule purpose?

Indian Army, L&T,

4 11523

In control valve there are two type of valve seat we can use metal to metal seat & soft seat.On this valve seat i have following doubt. 1)I have never seen practically the internal assembly of valve so my doubt is that basically weather the seat is soft seat or metal its basic MOC is same as valve body(SS or CS) only in soft seat we are using PTFE ring & place on valve seat & in metal this PTFE ring is not threr am i correct??????? 2)what are the common general rule for using metal to metal seat & soft seat,means its depend on process parameter like liquid,gas, steam & on valve leakage class.

1 1921

what's the meaning of the negative going half cycle in the circuit containing a bulb and a switch in series with a input ac source. i mean what happens in the -ve cycle. the dir. of current changes or any other thing. if dir. changes then why we use fuse in only phase wire.

2 4306

the movement of piston is necessary for starting the engine na. then how does the big vehicles start. their piston can't be moved when the engine is at standstill. what actually the procedure........

5 5350

I have 30KW Motor Starter Panel, System voltage is 480V, So i have to convert voltage 480 to 220V to give the contactor coil. How i can select control transformer, Which rating transformer i can use this panel, what is the procedure, please tell me.

2 4484

what is transformer


7 6080

in transformers for ex. 100mva and 400kv the secondary current is about 420 amps but for selection of bushing the capacity of selected bushing is 2000A why there is such big difference ?


2 4052

how can we find out the ratio of cement and sand in plastering

2 6154

what is draft and draft loss?in a boiler,how is draft created?


what is the three types of combustion-control system?


what precautions must be used when water washing a boiler?


Un-Answered Questions { Engineering }

what is Quantity of stone and sand required for one cubic meter of stone work (UCR)


what is over ball dimmention? why it is required? what is used in machining?


Difference between earthing & grounding.?


Proviiding the Dedicated N earth and individual Body Earths ,Finally these all looped /Now my Question :- will it not harm in case of Transformer Fault current flows in Dediacted N Earthing to Looped Body Earthing.


Can you list the chemical names which are used in washing plant?


Who built the first rocket that robert goddard invented?


How do you measure the moment of inertia?


what is the rpm of Turbocharger of Cummins KTA50G3 Diesel Engine?/ Normally What is the rpm of Turbocharger for any 1 MW Engine?


how the B-H loop obtain under the static condition


what is the coefficient for running feet to cft coversion both area and price


what is an industrial electronics engineer ? what he does ? what specialities and experties he should have ? what are the difference between industrial electronics engineer & electronics engineer & electrical engineer ?


Define configuration and calibration and explain with an example


What is kirchoff ’s current law (kcl)?


What is meant by analogous system?


What is the effect of temperature on the reverse current of a p-n junction?