Hi all
I had applied for the RRB test in the ELECRICAL category.
I would be pleased if any of you can sent me previous year
question papers. Please forward the question papers to
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in railways why we use the power in 10,20 30kv,why not in the multiple of 11kv
what is power factor
what is proper capacitor placement? How to evaluate capacitor size?
what is the total power generation in india?
what is the use of commutator in dc motor if we supply ac ? commutator is used to convert ac to dc.and it is used to arrange the flux in unidirectional in case of dc supply. if we give ac as supply to dc motor what is the use of commutator?
Sir, Please tell me that how I will calculate the efficiency of rectifier. Because input is ac and output is dc. Is it right to put two unlike signal together.
can we correct the p.f.of ac generator?
Transformer calculation
1 Answers Aramco, LMW Lakshmi Machine Works Limited,
All we know about T/R, Is it possible to make T/R primery singlr phase and secondery three phase,If it then how?... Need Description
what is thresold of perception
Can anybody please refer the best and simple book for about Protection relays and in detail of all its protection ?
how system voltage affect the power factor or vice-versa.