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how to check a three phase induction motor by multimeter & megger?
How to protect a Dosing pumps/any sensitive equipment (single phase) from surge protection inside a food factory.
please explain me about traction application?
What OPGW is better than Microwave or PLCC???
Why space heater is required for each verical bus bar chamber? if one space heater is adequate or not for anti condensation?
How can we calculate ngr resistance for a generator and Transformer ? What type of transformer requires ngr ?
My meter CT is 200/5amps Then my electrical meter MF=???please suggest
What is Minimum permicible meggering value for following 1) LT Panels (Ph to Ph / Ph to Earth) 2) 11 KV, HT Panels (Ph to Ph / Ph to Earth) 3) 11 KV Cable 4) LT Cable
Can we use LT(150 sq. mm) cable in place of HT (120 cable.?
what is the difference between line voltage meter and relays
what happen when dc shunt motor field is sudden open in running condition
34 Answers APGenco, Bhel, IIT, JMRC, TCS,
Why we are using Ohm's law? where it is applicable? explain.
10 Answers Pyramid Saimira, TCS,