What are the reasons Winrunner fails to identify an object
in the GUI?

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What are the reasons Winrunner fails to identify an object in the GUI?..

Answer / winrunner

There are several reasons for that..
1. The object is not a standard windows object
2.If the Browser used is not compatible with the wirnunner
3.the proper add-in is not loaded

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What are the reasons Winrunner fails to identify an object in the GUI?..

Answer / sofia

and also the Object is not present in the GUI map editor.

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What are the reasons Winrunner fails to identify an object in the GUI?..

Answer / sivaprasad, global e-softsys p

The object is not a standard windows object.
If the browser used is not compatible with the WinRunner
version, GUI Map Editor will not be able to learn any of
the objects displayed in the browser window.

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