What is the build Tool you have used in your project?
Accenture, HCL, Inasra Technologies, Infosys, Maven Infotech,
4 12807in real time , which framework is used ? is it datadriven or keyword or hybrid ?? please answer
2 7850
How to check a checkbox in selenium?
What is the difference between “type” and “typeandwait” command?
How to scroll down a page using javascript in selenium?
What are different forms of selenium?
What is testng?
What does a knot do on the selenium grid?
How do you read data from excel?
Is selenium server needed to run selenium webdriver scripts?
What is the command that is used in order to display the values of a variable into the output console or log?
What is a data driven framework?
Is there an htmlunitdriver for .net?
Tell me what kind of mouse actions can be performed in selenium?
Explain what are the different types of locators in selenium?
Tell me how to verify tooltip text using selenium?
What automation tools could be used for post-release validation with continuous integration?