WinRunner Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is wrun.ini file..what it consists?

BeBo Technologies, Polaris,

3 13801

What id DB Folder? when it will be created and what it consists?

BeBo Technologies,

2 11450

How do you find the number of elements in a list box in winrunner?

BeBo Technologies,

1 8313

How to fetch a value which is in a particular cell in a html table?

BeBo Technologies,

1 8189

What are command line options?How to invoke winrunner with vb add in using command line options?

BeBo Technologies,

1 9191

How many check points are there in winrunner? what are they?

BeBo Technologies,

8 15759

what is split function?Give me the syntax?

BeBo Technologies,

3 13948

How do you invoke a text file from winrunner?

BeBo Technologies,

6 11065

what are the stages of software development life cycle?

Agility e-Services, Trigent,

5 14388

Where are the expected results file will be stored? what is the extension of that?

IonIdea, Satyam,

1 8978

By Default if you save a File with just pause statement in the script how it is going to store in winrunner?


2 8337

How many exceptions are there in winrunner and what are they?


1 4821

What is Global GUI Map?


3 7755

What is the automation process in winrunner?

Second Foundation,

3 6081

What is the winrunner version now..?

Second Foundation,

19 28029

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Un-Answered Questions { WinRunner }

What are the modes of script recording in winrunner ?


Explain the purpose of gui spy?


What is the usage of Test case Design Techniques,in Integration/System Testing?


write a compilemodule function for loginscreen.


What do you verify with the database check point custom and what command it generates, explain syntax?


What do you verify with the gui checkpoint for single property and what command it generates, explain syntax?


how can you explain your Real Estate Project in front of interviewer..? please step by step......


How do you execute your tests from windows run command?


Have you used winrunner in your project?


How do you handle pop-up exceptions?


How to find the local host name using winrunner ?


Which are default codes winrunner generates when we start the application?


i would like to know the steps to write tsl exception and object exception with a simple example


What is the use of gui map?


How do you handle tsl exceptions?