Write the test cases for 2-way electric switch system. Write for GUI, functionality as well as stress testing
2 14459Suppose you testing Calculator application and you got problems like 1/1=2, 2/2=1, 3/3=6, 4/4=1, 5/5=10. Now how will you describe the bug title as well as give the bug description.
12 19950write bug name and discrition for following scenario: 1*1=1,2*2=5,3*3=9,4*4=17 using mscalculator ?
2 73721.If *HIVAL SETGT is used what opcode is used to read a record? A:READ B:READPE C:CHAIN D:READP 2.How to pass numeric parameter to the rpg pgm from the command line? 3.What keyword is used on the rpg 4 definition specification to rename a subfile in an externally definition data structure? A:RENAME B;LIKE C:EXTNAME D:EXTFLD
4 20556Post New Manhattan Interview Questions
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How can a user be able to load the data to amazon redshift from completely different data sources like amazon rds, amazon dynamodb and amazon ec2?
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What is the difference between web.config and machine.config in ASP.NET?
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What are the types of data warehouses?
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