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Agile Software Interview Questions
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if a man byes 1 lt of milk for 12 Rupees and mixes with 20% of water and sells it for Rs. 15 then what is percentage of gain

11 27638

what is the difference between abstract class and Interface?where we can use it in realtime projects?

23 66671

what is the difference between data driven test(ddt) and parametrization

7 18647

How can we convert asp pages to PHP pages?

3 13745

can u tell da low severity & high priority in Banking projects with Examples

1 4447

what is the procedure do u follow for writing the test scripts

1 4702

ca n u give the eample for low severity & high priority in ur Internet Banking project

2 4297

ca n u give the example for low severity & low priority in ur Internet Banking project

2 5880

what is the winrunner framework?

1 4278

What is the difference between Abstract and Interface?

22 49334

What is data driven testing in QTP?

11 32412

when i post a billing document for free goods how can i exclude for a line item (cost element type 1),not to create a profitability segment but only a cost center thanks in advance


How can we submit a form without a submit button?

4 6999

What is virtual destructor? Why?

3 6252

display records from 5 to 9 using rowid or rownum

5 14758

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Un-Answered Questions

What is api used for?


Define the terms job, workflow, and dataflow?


Will texttrimming property be available on textblock?


explain the means of supporting pseudo conversation programming. (Eg. Storing and restoring of states, control flow, error handling)?


why are prepare daily working standard in ft ir


What is a view controller in ios?


What is instance of a class?


how Neo4j can be helpful in detecting Brute Force Attack?


What are loops in java? What are three types of loops?


What are the steps required to solve setup and hold violations in vlsi?


How do I put sounds for older versions of internet explorer?


how background thread access to ui control?


What is the function of annotation @responsebody?


How can we make string upper case or lower case?


what are mambots and mention their categories?