QTP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to Parameterize Object repository in QTP?

Cognizant, IIBM,

6 37172

Per-Action Vs Shared repository?

5 15468

What is Active Screen in QTP?

11 54548

Use of Multiple Actions in QTP?

3 10648

What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?


7 35368

Recovery Manager means..?

4 8822

How many check points are there in QTP and what are they?

5 17767

How to add check point?

2 9312

What is Tree view?

2 7164

What is Expert view?

4 8561

What is the scripting language used in QTP?


11 63962

Associated files in QTP?

1 7055

Use of environment variables?

4 9123

What is Object Spy?

8 11584

Can u call winRunner scripts from QTP?

4 15414

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

how to prepared for first for the first interview?


Hi Friends, Im planning to do certifcation in mercury Automation Tool QTP.But I Didnt get any clear details regarding course syllabus, fees, where to approach, and which certification would be useful for the experienced testers? can any one send me the details?


If there is a change in the object type eg: A button is changed as link, 1. How to edit that in the shared object repository. 2.What options are available to edit the object within shared object repository other than copy from loca; 3.What would be the effect of the change in Coded Scripts within QTP and Functions stored in .vbs file which are loaded and used in QTP


How to open a new test using quicktest professional?


Hi any body pls help me for QTP 11.0 software free demo version. i have to practice. Kindly send the link.or where i have to download.


What is keyword view?


After fixing the bug, the same bug is raising again and again in new builds what we have to do? That bug is high level bug.


What is Unicode Compatibility?


I have enrolled for a QTP course which is a four weekend course.Do you think its a good way to start off learning this tool?What all do i need with me in order to become a pro at using this tool?


Sql questions to find second max salary and how to use joins


Do you know how to connect database? Can you tell me the procedures?


How do you check ticket cost and ticket number in flight application?


How to start recording using quicktest professional?


i'm testing the webpage with QTP, in this wabpage i have to choose the CV from the window, but QTP can't recognize the object, so i used the Low LEvel Recording, but every time i run the test, QTP go to halt when it gets to the Recorded part, any solution for that?( except puting delay in the script and manuall selecting, because i've did that)


You will receive the mail in your outlook from client at night time to go ahead for the execution. Based on the mail you need to trigger the batch run. What is the QTP Code for this?