What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What
is more efficient?

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / basha, margadarsi comp

SEARCH is a sequential search, it will read all the elements
of a table sequentially whereas SEARCH ALL, it will splits
the table in two halves and search the element in which half
the element find like that the entire table will be searche
and also the table should be in sorted order for SEARCH ALL.
SEARH ALL is more efficient than SEARCH.

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / avinanda mukherjee

Ans #1 is corrent, in addition, Search all is working in a
sorted array(binary search) and it is more effiecient then
verb search.

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / kumar raja.

1st answer is 100% correct.

The search statement examines the table elements in a
sequential manner.this technique is called linear search.

Is a binary search begins the examination of the elements
from the middle and in each examination it eliminates the
half the elements remaining to be searched.its applicable
only for sorted table.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 1 No

What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / vidhya

Search All is more efficeint provided the input is in the
sorted order

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / sunrays

multiple when conditions can be used in search.
in search all single when condition should be used.

in search SEARCH key word is used.
in search-all SEARCH ALL key word is used.

table may not be in sorted order for search.
table must be in sorted order.

search is a linear search. search all is binary search.

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / ramana

most of the pionts are covered so far, I would like to add
one more point here,

In search all to get expected results array must be in a
specified order, but search all also works for an unsorted
array but may or may not give the expected results as it
keeps on divide.

Ex1: searching for 10. ** Array is not in order**


Iteration 1: it selects the second half 70,10,90
Iteration 2: It selects 10 n says the value is found.

Ex2: searching for te same 10.


Its follows the same process as in 1st case, but here 10 is
not there in the second iteration so it says value not
found, but it is present in the first half, this happens
because aray is not sorted.

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / kumar raja.

SEARCH ALL is an efficient one then why we need SEARCH ?


In VSAM files by passing the partial key we can search the
record using SEARCH or AEARCH ALL
But if you would like to point out 1st record with this
partial key, SEARCH will find the 1st record with that
partial key.
And SEARCH ALL will not. (95%)

Example. (Here my target to get 1st record with the
partial key. i.e (200 300 XXXXXXA)

VSAM File. (assume KEY as : ORG LOGO ACCOUNT) and
partial KEY (ORG = 200 LOGO = 300)

100 333 XXXXX
111 333 XXXXXXX
200 300 XXXXXXA
200 300 XXXXXXB
200 300 XXXXC
200 300 XXXXXXD
250 300 XXXXXXX
300 340 XXXXXXX

In the case of search the O/P will be (200 300 XXXXXA)
Correct as per the requirement.
But in case of SEARCH ALL the response will be (200 300
XXXXXB). Wrong as per the requirement.

Kumar Raja.

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / cvcv

searchall is only for 1-d arrays

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What is the difference between SEARCH and SEARCH ALL? What is more efficient?..

Answer / laxmanrao

1)any relation operator can used in search
where as in searchall we use only equalto(=)operator only
2)multiple-when condition can used in search,where as in
search all we use only single when condition is used
3)search is efficient then perform ,search all is efficient
then perform

for detail about job fresher check in

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 5 No

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