What will happen if you code GO BACK instead of STOP RUN in
a stand-alone COBOL program i.e. a program which is not
calling any other program ?

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What will happen if you code GO BACK instead of STOP RUN in a stand-alone COBOL program i.e. a pro..

Answer / anoop

Nothing will happen. Program will run fine since Go back
gives the control back to the operating system

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What will happen if you code GO BACK instead of STOP RUN in a stand-alone COBOL program i.e. a pro..

Answer / vampire

If GOBACK is coded instead of STOPRUN in a cobol program
which is not called by any other program nothing wrong will
happen. The program will give desired results.

Generally 3 things are coded to halt the execution of a
program they are


STOP RUN is frequently used and mainly coded in main
programs(calling program). The control will be returned to OS.

GOBACK is coded in the mainly in the subroutines or called
programs. The control will be returned to the calling
program. If STOP RUN is coded in the calling program the
program will go to an infinite execution. GOBACK can be
coded in the programs which is not called by any programs
instead of STOP RUN.

EXIT PROGRAM is seldom used.

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What will happen if you code GO BACK instead of STOP RUN in a stand-alone COBOL program i.e. a pro..

Answer / sivakumar sekharannair

Yes nothing will happen since go back will take the control
back from where it is called and finally the control will
go to operating system

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