In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and
connect the circuit to supply?will we get a shock?

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In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and connect the circuit to supply?will we get a ..

Answer / prosenjit majumder

Though your question is not clear to me completely but I am
trying to clarify it .when earth pin of plug is connected
to electrical earth point you won't get shock because your
body & earth pin comes into parallel line and your body
resistance is much more than instrument body as well as
earth point . Short circuited current will flow through the
earth point because it is a low resistive path compare to
your body .But if the plug earth is not connected to
electrical earth point then it is open ckt . In this
condition if you touch the plug earth point and it is
already short circuited then almost full current will pass
through your body . You will definately get shock .

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In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and connect the circuit to supply?will we get a ..

Answer / uchaitu1

We wont get shock coz the connection which is given as
Ground is Actually Earthend, and we know that earth has lots
n lots of electrons. So, as current chooses Low resistance
path it wont go through our body which has High resistance
compared to the wire used for Earthing.

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In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and connect the circuit to supply?will we get a ..

Answer / lakshmi narayanan

no v wont get shock

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In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and connect the circuit to supply?will we get a ..

Answer / prashant

u vl get shock bcoz current travells through ur body to

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In a ordinary plug can we hold the earth in hane and connect the circuit to supply?will we get a ..

Answer / kk

obhiously you 'll get shock ....... if u think it wont try
it yourself..

our body is a gud conductor n current 'll flow through it

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