How can you put a "trace" in your program?
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Answer / shru
Use below command before coding where you require the log
to Trace:
ods trace on / label
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1 Answers Barclays, Institute For Plasma Research,
data voter; input Age Party : $1. (Ques1-Ques4)($1. + 1); datalines; 23 D 1 1 2 2 45 R 5 5 4 1 67 D 2 4 3 3 39 R 4 4 4 4 19 D 2 1 2 1 75 D 3 3 2 3 57 R 4 3 4 4 ; Idont understand what the (Ques1-Ques4)($1. + 1) means. I have seen (Ques1-Ques4)(4*$1.), but what is (Ques1-Ques4)($1. + 1)? Appreciate all help Thanks
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