What is the pound sign used for in the data_null_ ?
Mention how to limit decimal places for the variable using proc means?
Differentiate input and infile.
How will you react when, while consulting a SAS documentation manual to get an answer to a problem, someone says hey, I thought you were supposed to know all that stuff already, and not have to look it up in a book?
What will calendar procedure do?
What is a pdv and what are its functions?
What is the difference between a PROC step and a DATA step?
what is the difference between informat$8. $char8.
What is the use of the %include statement?
what is ae onset date n what is RDS
Are you involved in writing the inferential analysis plan? Tables specifications?
whenever we using the merging through data set merging ,we can get note in log like this "MERGE STATEMENT HAS MORE THAN ONE ONE DATASET BY REPEATED BY VAIABLES" but the output has come in good manner,whenever in in sql(full join) we can get cartion product.so How do overcome this problem in sql?
What are the rows present in protocol Violation table?
2 Answers Accenture, Quintiles,