Define octane number?

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More Chemical Engineering Interview Questions

CHEMICAL MATERIAL BALANCE – EXAMPLE 2.6 : According to Raoult's law for ideal liquid, x (PSAT) = yP where x is mole fraction of component in liquid, y is mole fraction of component in vapor, P is overall pressure and PSAT is saturation pressure. A liquid with 60 mole % component 1 and 40 mole % component 2 is flashed to 1210 kPa. The saturation pressure for component 1 is ln (PSAT) = 15 - 3010 / (T + 250) and for component 2 is ln (PSAT) = 14 - 2700 / (T + 205) where PSAT is in kPa and T is in degree Celsius. By assuming the liquid is ideal, calculate (a) the fraction of the effluent that is liquid; (b) the compositions of the liquid and vapor phases. The outlet T is 150 degree Celsius.

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Explain how can viscosity affect the design of a mixer?

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What are some common causes of gas pipeline vibration 20 carbon steel line?

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GENETIC ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 27.2 : (a) Three genes, I, J and K are available. All these genes are linked with respect to one another. If the percent recombination between I and J is 8 %, that between J and K is 10 %, and that between K and I is 18 %, what is the order of the gene? (b) Twenty six genes, a, b, c, d, e, f, ... x, y and z are available. All these genes are linked with respect to one another. If the percent recombination between a and b is 3 %, between b and c is 3 %, between c and d is 3 %, ... between w and x is 3 %, between x and y is 3 %, between y and z is 3 %, then what is the percentage recombination between b and y?

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How can separation of chiral chemicals affect the chemical and/or pharmaceutical industries?

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Question 83 - The United States of America Energy Information Administration reports the following emissions in million metric tons of carbon dioxide in the world for year 2012 : Natural gas : 6799, petroleum : 11695, coal : 13787. Coal-fired electric power generation emits around 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide for every megawatt hour generated, which is almost double the carbon dioxide released by a natural gas-fired electric plant per megawatt hour generated. If 1 metric ton = 1000 kg and 1 pound = 0.4536 kg, estimate the total energy generated by natural gas in the world for year 2012, in gigawatt hour.

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On what basis are materials to be crushed evaluated apart from size?

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hai can anyone send me soft copy of o.p gupta or tell me downloading link please please at

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using gear pumps?

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dear sir/madam, I had applied for the post of officer trainee so plz if u have any papers both technical or aptitude plz inform me on

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What are the Major Utility Systems in a Pharma Plant? How are they interrelated?

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Explain how can one quickly estimate the additional pressure drop to be introduced with more tube passes?

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