What is the job of Quality Assurance Engineer? Difference
between the Testing & Quality Assurance job.

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What is the job of Quality Assurance Engineer? Difference between the Testing & Quality Assura..

Answer / ravi148

QAE involves the entire software development to ensure that
problems should be found and also see what the missing from

QA is more preventive thing, ensuring in qaulity in
product. QA measures the quality of processes used to
create a quality product.
Testing means quality control which measures the quality of

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What is the job of Quality Assurance Engineer? Difference between the Testing & Quality Assura..

Answer / deepti

Testing: It is normally in every organization, test
engineer responsibility( From writing test cases to till
test cases execution)

QA: This is entirely regarding process in the particular
organization. Ex: For QA Process, seperate people will be
there and they will take of the process (Whether all the
people are following the process according to the
organization's policy or not, giving trainings on this,

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What is the job of Quality Assurance Engineer? Difference between the Testing & Quality Assura..

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