write vbscript in qtp tool for senario, in the given sheet add each number in each row and each colunm and show result
3 6239pls dont join MIndq nageshwar rao...Nageshwar rao sir didnt teach QTP indepth...he teach basics only...atleast he dont know about INSTR concept...this concept take min 30 min...buthe teach 3 min only...like this so many concepts are missing in class. IN CLASS ROOM NAGESHWAR RAO SIR HIPNATIZE THE STUDENTS....WITH OTHER ISSUES.. dont join... look other institutes...this is my personal openion share your comments thank u
1 18062Post New Mind Q Systems Interview Questions
How use vlookup formula in excel with example?
What is the difference b/w macros and prompt?
What is ipc message?
Explain the concept of dual axis?
How would we use distinct statement? What is its use?
What are the addattributetofilter conditionals in magento?
Why is torsion such an important feature in aircraft engines?
what is the use of super function in ruby on rails?
different type of cursor?
what is induction furnance? how many phase supply given io its coil for 15 or 20 ton furnance?
How will you define post in jenkins?
Explain me what's your experience in patient collections? : insurance health
How do you crop in powerpoint 2016?
what is the mix design for M:60 with micro silica andmetakaoline?
How to get last inserted id in codeigniter?