PROCESS CONTROL - EXAMPLE 6.2 : A stream with volumetric flow rate Q enters a cylindrical tank and a stream with volumetric flow rate q exits the tank. The fluid has a constant heat capacity and density. There is no temperature change or chemical reaction occurring in the tank. Develop a model for determining the height of the tank, h. Let V is the volume, A is the cross sectional area, r is the density, m is the mass, where V and A are for the tank, r and m are for the fluid. The rate of mass of fluid accumulation, dm / dt = (Q - q) r. Prove the model to be dh / dt = (Q - q) / A.
PROCESS CONTROL - ANSWER 6.2 : Mass of fluid in tank, m = Vr = hAr. Then d (hAr) / dt = (Q - q) r. Ar (dh / dt) = (Q - q) r leads to the answer A (dh / dt) = Q - q. Finally dh / dt = (Q - q) / A. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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