MASS TRANSFER - EXAMPLE 4.3 : According to Adolf Eugen Fick (1829 - 1901) : rate of diffusion v increases with less wall thickness t, increased area A and decreased molecular weight of a fluid M. The diffusion constant D decreased with increasing M. (a) By assuming v, t, dP, A, M and D changes proportionally of each other, find the equation of v as a function of t, dP, A and D. (b) The ratio of self diffusion constant D, at T = 273 K and P = 0.1 MPa, for gases B and C are 1.604 : 0.155. If only 2 gases exist in such a system : hydrogen and nitrogen, find the type of gas for B and C with reference to their molecular weights M. (c) By using the equation of kinetic energy 0.5 MV = constant where V = square of v, find the ratio of V for B and V for C, or V(B) / V(C), as a function of M(B) and M(C), where M(B) is molecular weight of B and M(C) the molecular weight of C : Graham's Law of Diffusion.
MASS TRANSFER - ANSWER 4.3 : (a) v = (dP) AD / t. (b) Hydrogen has least M among all gases - general knowledge - highest D. Then B = hydrogen and C = nitrogen. (c) Let 0.5 M(B) V(B) = 0.5 M(C) V(C), then V(B) / V(C) = M(C) / M(B). The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.5 : In an American style option for share market, 2 persons - A and B agree to the following : B is required to sell 100 shares of IBMS to A for $85 per share anytime that A wants in the next 8 months. A will pay B $2 per share up front, non-refundable for this option. IBMS involves in petrochemical processing. IBMS stock is currently selling for $80 per share. (a) If A did not buy the share of IBMS from B after 8 months, how much will B earn? (b) If the share of IBMS goes up to $100 / share in 6 months later : (i) how much should A pay B for 100 shares according to their optional agreement? (ii) how much will A earn from 100 shares purchased from B when all the 100 shares are sold to the open market? (iii) how much net profit will A earn for selling 100 shares to the open market?
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.23 : An engineering company would like to produce 10000 units of control instruments. Let selling price per unit = $10, variable cost per unit = $2, overall fixed cost = $30000. (a) Calculate the income obtained when all units are sold out successfully. (b) Find the overall cost of production. (c) Calculate the percentage of gross profit obtained based on the answers in (a) and (b). (d) Find the minimum units that need to be sold out successfully in order to prevent losses. (e) How many minimum units of instruments that need to be produced in order to prevent losses, if all units produced are sold out successfully?
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1 Answers Thirumalai Chemicals,
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Question 54 - There are 2 alternatives of investment. Choice 1 : A trader offers you an investment opportunity where your investment of A$15000 presently will be A$18000 after 4 years. Choice 2 : A bank offers you 5 % annual return for your initial investment of A$15000. Question a : What is the equivalent bank payment after 4 years? Question b : By using the concept of equivalence in engineering economy, which is the better choice, betwen 1 and 2, that will be more profitable after 4 years?
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