What is the full form of GSL wire
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Answer / thavam
GSL wire full meaning for Galvanized steel laid wire
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Answer / lal hameed
Galvanized steel laminated wire used for earthing different electrical installations
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Answer / k.prakashchandra
Do you mean GXL wire which is used in automobiles and
capable of withstanding high temperatures ?
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there is a power transformer 66/11kV in delta-delta connection has 5 feeder coming out from the secondary side. One of the feeder in it normally loaded (loaded than other feeder)and this feeder usually trips with double OCR causing the bank transformer to trip. Now if the load of this feeder is put on other transformer then that no problems occurs on that transformer or the load. However normally all the test(IR, PI, short ckt, open ckt,grounding test and other ) has been conducted for this but evertything transformer..... I am not geting what is the actual problem...
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