why capacitor bank is not used in generator power
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Answer / k.prakashchandra
When the generators(gen) are connected to grid or net work
,if all the gens are run at unity pf ,there will be drop in
voltage due to inductive load in the system as the current
increases.Then to maintain system stability, LDC requests
large generating stations to increase the voltage . This
will increase the KVAR and results in lower lagging pf in
the gens. That is why the gens are designed for 0.8/0.85
pf.The pf of gens can be kept at any value by varying
excitation or resetting in APF mode.As pf control is
required by generating stations,capacitor banks are not used
.Capacitor banks can be used in the system to reduce the
inductive load but not in the gen stations.
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Answer / k.prakashchandra
Pf of generator can be brought to required value by varying
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Answer / k.prakashchandra
If the gen is connected to grid ,its pf can be regulated by
varying the excitation or by APF mode.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / umkesh
One more question can be use Capacitor Bank in Aux consumption panels in Thermal Power plant like CHP
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Answer / k.prakashchandra
In the line 9, read as ' As pf control is not required'.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 4 No |
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