What are the standards will you maintain at the timing of
writing TSL script in WinRunner?

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What are the standards will you maintain at the timing of writing TSL script in WinRunner?..

Answer / allin

might be these options are applicable
1)convert custom objects into standard gui objects
using gui spy and gui map editor
2) using gui map configuration change or config the object
3)unrecognized portion of object recognization using
virtual object wizard

i thought that these are all options available....check it

ratna rao

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What are the standards will you maintain at the timing of writing TSL script in WinRunner?..

Answer / p73_73@yahoo.com

1. code conventions should be followed.
2. Proper commenting should be there in code.
3. GUI Map file should be configured and objects should
renamed so that it is easy to understand and easy to write
ther script. (If you are recording you can use default GUI
map file objects name, if you are writing scripts, it is
always better to rename according to object)

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What are the standards will you maintain at the timing of writing TSL script in WinRunner?..

Answer / mohan

at the time of writing TSL, we should use user defined
function to reduce the length of the code. simply we have
to generate effective code.

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What are the standards will you maintain at the timing of writing TSL script in WinRunner?..

Answer / raja

Using wraper functions - means using user defined function
which does the same thing what the system function will do.

If we have set_window ..

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What are the standards will you maintain at the timing of writing TSL script in WinRunner?..

Answer / umasubbu4u

There are no such standards. But, we need to concentrate on
the logic and check points we are applying, language

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