what are the enhancements made to Informatica 7.1.1 version
when compared to 6.2.2 version?

what are the enhancements made to Informatica 7.1.1 version when compared to 6.2.2 version?..

Answer / shashiall

lookup on flat file in informatica7.1
no such provision in 6.1
union all trnasformation in 7.1 not in 6.1
transaction control tranformation not in 6.1
file reposioty in 7.1

Except to previous points.........

1. PMCMD: By using this option we can use parameter file at
command prompt. Why this needed suppose we are using more
than on parameter file, in such case we have to change the
parameter file in session properties. By this option u can
run from command prompt by changing parameter file, no need
to go to session properties.

2. Test load: we can test the load by taking the specified
no. of records.

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