Which are the basic challanges are face tester while doing

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Which are the basic challanges are face tester while doing testing?..

Answer / rajkumarqa

According to me these challenges a tester will face during
his life time.

1)Changed Req are not communicated properly to testers.
2)GUI bugs are overlooked.
3)Bug fixes are not done on time.
4)Every one on the project will increase the devlopment
time if devlopment is not completeed within time, but no
one will increase testing time.
5)Every one will blame tester for bug encountered in
production not any devloper.

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Which are the basic challanges are face tester while doing testing?..

Answer / nish

To set up a configuaraton for the perticular project. To
estimate the time required for testing in advance. To think
over the undocumented part etc

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