Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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Name the different control schemes of electric rive.


1 2986

Define the term factor of inertia.


How do you classify the different types of torques?

2 6956

Why a single-phase induction motor not an inherently self-starting machine?

ETC, Hindustan Shipyard,

11 24569

What do you mean by reverse current braking of an induction motor?

1 5908

What are the protective devices in a DC/AC motor starter?


1 8271

What is primary distribution and secondary distribution of ac power?

3 22380

What is meant by regenerative braking?

5 7661

Give the two basic speed control of DC shunt motor.

4 6263

Classify the different types of load.

6 10755

Define the overload capacity of the motor.

Alstom, Maynilad,

3 8649

What are the factors influence the choice of an electrc drive?


what is a circuit breaker. Weite the types of circuit breaker.

4 10657

what are the functions of power modulator?

4 38560

What are the advantages of speed control using thyrister?

6 11751

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

What is transmittance?


I Need standard operation procedure(SOP)for 500kva Oil type transformer oil filtration & Procedure for IR value checking.


What shall be the secondary output voltage if the primary winding of a 220/6V, 50 Hz transformer is energized by an 110V, 60 Hz supply?


what is the operating time for LBB and how does the LBB relay realise whether cb is opened or not?


How i can calculate current of cable according to ares?


Give some differences between open loop and closed loop control systems.


In our plant we have installed new MCC with ELR and CBCT which is detecting some leakage current in the system but it leading to some confusion when to check that in which feeder which is drawing current we put off the whole panel itself but still CBCT detecting some leakage current so can anybody ans me , where i am going wrong or how to detect whether its actual leakage or CBCT malfunctioning.


what is a reactive power? what is the relation with power factor?


What is ramp signal?


What is relation between transmission lines & Communication lines ?


do anyone out there know where to find a compleete list on acronyms/abbreviations used in offshore electric engineering. MCB - Micro Circuit Breaker, MCCB-Mouldes Case Circuit Breaker, ELCB-Earth Lekage Circuit Breaker, ELMCB- etc.....


What are the various types of BUSBAR Schemes? explain each


what's the exact magnitude of current, flows through Neutral?


tan delta equation test on alternators


If the line voltage is reduced to 75% of its rated value then by what percentage current will reduce ?? 75% 25% 50% no change and why ?