Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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How harmonic block test are conducted on relays ( Siemens,Areva ect )power transformer using omicron kit?



What will happen if we do not provide earthing to the newtral of a power system ?

Jindal, NPCIL,

2 4939

What is the difference between newtral earthing and body earthing?

JK Lakshmi Cement, NPCIL,

3 5753

give me battery AH calculation in U P S

1 3749

what is the difference between relay and a contactor.


5 15482

what is the sludge current


check list for anuval maintatince check list of oil transforms

2 3516

can volts/Hz be relied upon to use 460v,60Hz electric motors on a 380v,50Hz power supply?

1 3035

Where double earthing is required? Is there any power specification to have double earthing?


10 45576

What will hapen if we connect more capacitors than required for powerfactor control? Exactly what will be the effect on power system?

Mandovi Pellets,

2 4438

what is a panel board?

1 3099

Can u explain : how capacitor act when the supply is given is a.c and d.c. I know that when d.c supply is given then the capacitor charges and becomes open circuited. But please say about when a.c is given. I have seen that when a.c supply is given ,it charges and discharges, But when we plug in capacitor to our daily supply and take it out ,then we join those wires spark will appear,which seems charge is present ,but when a.c is given it should charge and discharge

3 3806

can we use the step down transformer to step up transformer

6 7079

How to design the earth grid for lightning protection in an industry

2 3796

can we run all LT motors at 360 volts which are normally rated 415+/-10% voltage rating


2 3308

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Where burned of electricity,when,who, & why.


hr round


What should be the height of basement according to NBCC code?


If i have two 3000 kW motors and the whole facility requires a 10 MVA transformer. What would be better installing two 5 MVA transformers(one for 1 motor ) or just a single 10 MVA transformer for both of them. Give reasons for your answer.


what is the minimum winding resistance of 30hp compressor, to run or to switch on


list the advantages of RCCB over other circuit breakers?


What is NGR . What is the purpose of 10 sec ,60 sec rating of NGR.


how external lighting design? please give examples?


Why hydropower is called renewable source of energy?


How do i right a ladder diagram that has 1 actuator that performs a full stroke followed by a half stroke


During Testing of Maintenance Free Earthing, How deep should be the Spikes of Earth Test Meter should be inserted in the soil(one spike is 15 Meter & Other spike is 30 Mtrs away from the Main Earth Electrode. Because, recently, we observed that when spike is inserted 3-4 Inch in the earth- results are better, If spike is inserted 1 feet deep than results are increasing.


We have 110Vac ,10A ac supply which is converted into 110VDC & How much DC current? which factor is reqired for dc current calulation?


What will be the voltage regulation of a full load and 0.80 power factor lagging load transformer when a two winding single phase transformer has a voltage regulation of 4.5% at full load and unity power factor?


Explain how you can give the overload setting to any Motor Protection Relay for a HT motors with formula and example?


State the points to be considered for selecting a particular type wiring.