Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

why stone used in Transformer yard.

Birla, Eskom,

9 32942

what i the full form of ABS 111 in transformer.

Birla, Ford,

1 4107

why not use capacitor in Dg sets.


10 12339

whta is difference between contactor and breaker.

6 8267

what is difference between single phase and three phase.


2 5571

what is difference between DC and Ac


5 6220

induction motor. we have a three phase supply from diffrent source like R= transformer. Y = DG sets. B = ups. if motor is runing.


4 6352

how capacitor active and reactive.


1 4081

what is phase and neutral.


2 5011

what is IDMT relay.


4 13290

what is the full form of FRL (3/20,7/20 EARTH WIRE)..????

Aster, Divis Laboratories, FRL, Gasco,

3 14043

Where is the center of magnetic field in alternator

GMR, Siemens,

1 5418

what is the method to calculate the voltage drop for number of meters Example 250volts I/p at one end if the cable length is 50 meters what could be the drop?, after 100 meters how much? needs formulae.

1 3675

why corona loss is less with negative polarity?

3 15641

hi pot test principal


1 4409

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sometime battery charged and then automatically charged when rectifier ON conition, is there any chances please clarify the same.


LT cable fault chaecking equipment and to find out the distance at what distence it failure . Name and where it is available?


how ups works ? various parts of ups and working principle


condition Autotrip facia come on control panel of electrical transmission line?


How seriving & testing of the HT & LT breakers are done. What are the standard Ir values on which we can come to know the test is passed or failed?


Can i replace Earth leakage relay to the faulty Earth Faulty Relay


Write a note on Treatment for electric shock.


When a square wave is applied to primary of a transformer then what will be output wave form of secondary ?


Single line diagrams for star to delta and DOL starters.


What will happen if the armature resistance is in minimum position and the field resistance is in maximum position while starting the motor


What is an alternator impedance value?


Explain the process of commutation in a dc machine.


what is mean by transition resistance of transformer?


i am studying in final year can i allowed for 23rd UES of Indian army


1.what is the difference between transformer differential and busbar differential.2)why we are using 2 slope for trafo diif and 1 slope for busbar diff.3)what is the purpose of metrosil and stabilizing resistor in high impedance relay circuit.4)how metrosil reduce the peak volage.5)what is the funtion of stabilizing resistor