Civil Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is relation between weight and grade of concrete?

1 5562

What is the meaning of RCC NP3 Pipes

17 69417

how much quantity a carpenter do shuttering per day

Nexus Technologies, Tata Projects,

19 117566

Standard weighs for different grades of concrete?

5 10221

Totally how many Grades of Concrete are there? and Explain Briefly?


2 20310

What is the cement and sand content in the mortar used to build 1 sqm of 190x190x390mm hollow and solid blockworks?

2 4467

significance of specific surface area of particles?



Is there any codal provision for the use of Micro Silica in concrete?



standared weighs for differnt grade of concrete


10 13475

Life of Rcc is taken as 100 years. What will be the life of structure after 10 years. will the strength of concrete increases or decreases.

7 12128

What is the procedure and technnology behind jointing of prestessed block in Delhi metro rail project.


how many no of solid blocks and bricks required for construction of wall for 100 sqft?


14 84164

how many cement bags rquired for solid block construction for 100 sqft in 1:6 proportion?

2 6984

how many no of cement bags required for 1:4 plastering for 100 sqft? how many no of cement bags required for 1:3 plastering for ceiling for 100 sqft?

Sobha Developers,

6 76000

is there zone 6 for earthquake in india? on what basis the naming of the zones are done in variuos countries?

2 6083

Post New Civil Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Civil Engineering }

what is hydrostatic paradox?


how many cement used in single story residential building per sqft


For The preparation of goverment examination Which book i will prefer and by which way i will do the preparation for exam.


what is the difference between replacement of cement by groundnut shell ash


With reference to construction of state highways, please let me know the total Bill Of Quantities as per the following details:- 1) Subgrade - 500 mm 2) Granular Sub-Base (GSB) - 200 mm 3) Wet Mix Macadam I (WMM I) - 150 mm 4) Wet Mix Macadam II (WMM II) - 100 mm 5) Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) - 60 mm 6) Bituminous Crust (BC) - 40 mm Road Length is 44 Kms. Road Width is 7 mtrs. Please provide the BOQ of each layer as per Compacted Factor & Loose Factor both. Also, if possible please provide me the approximate details of total material required (all categories viz. soil, gravel, stone aggregrate, sand, bitumen etc.) as per general mix design prevailing in India. Thanks & Regards -- Rokr


How to cal. The weight of hollow pipe?


what is difference between fluidity and workability also how palsticizer works


What is chemical composion test


What is the Roll of Water Bonding under VDF road?


What you understand by building codes?


What is the Maximum %age of Steel in columns and beams ?


what are the types of dimensioning?


. Write a C program to perform following functions:- a. Declare one integer variable of all the storage classes. b. Print all the variables without assigning any values in tabular format. a. The tabular format must contain the variable name, type, storage class and printed value on the screen in RED color.


What are the reasons for geotechnical site investigations in uganda?


What is different between DI Pipe and CI pipe?