Engineering Interview Questions
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what are the effects when the frequency is decreased in any ac machine

1 3131

can any one tell difference between 802D and 810D???



what is mean by bitumen emulsion

1 4688

what are the effects when a salient pole alternator is run at high speed like 3000 r.p.m?


Is there any type of starter for DC motor other than two point,Three point and Four point starters?


What is the Diesel consumption between 82KVA DG Set and 180KVA DG Set for 1 hour.

1 3194

Whether we used insulated line for 33KV supply. what we called it.

1 3180

HI, can anybody give details about GAS TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION,as INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEER what are the responsibilites.what are the instruments mainly instrumentation engineer will deal with



In Turbine how the balence piston works and what is the direction of leak of steam flow.


respected sir, i had applied for the post of GET for JSPL so kindly send me the syllabus and exam pattern for the concerned examination. my mail id: thanking you sir



Critical speed of turbine means the natural frequency and resonance frequency are matching and cause for vibration and noise. which is the natural frequency. how it reflect in vibration.


What can be the reasons of a Call drop?

GTL, Haier,

11 23638

Sir, I need help. I have completed dip. mech engg was working in facilties management ((Dept) for +2 yrs) in real estate, now I want to join in for mechanical industries please suggest me which should I opt for?


What is hammering in steam or water flow pipe line. how it is happening.

3 4629

what is shock in pipe line how it is happening

2 2985

Un-Answered Questions { Engineering }

Sir, I have applied for the of of NPDCL. please send me all AP TRANSCO AND JENCO solved papers of previous exams . I requested send me the papers to my id as soon as possible ( (This is very urgent) Thank You,


Differentiate between static and dynamic resistance of a diode.


Hi manikandhan, my name is ruby. Can u pls forward the conduct/character certificate on my Id. what details shall i require for this certificate. pls help me out with this..its really very urgent.. let me know soon bcoz my interview is on 19th septemper in mumbai...


What is snubber circuit?


dear friends, i have seen flow as the selection critriea in presure guage (bourdon tube) and i would like to know what is the relation between flow and performance of pressure guage other parameters i found in the data sheet are pressure max. 1ksc temperature max. - 50 deg c line size - 80NB operating range - 1ksc pr. guage range - 0-2 ksc thank u,


What are the limitations of the basic integrator circuit?


how to calculate cut length of re-bar in a circle . because we not place same length of re-bar in whole circle maximum in center and minimum at corner so how to calculate middle bars???


what is advantages and disadvantages of CAT5,CAT5e,CAT6,CAT7,COAXIAL CABLE,FIBER-OPTIC


Define noise in modulation?


How can you explain that the vibration is transmitted from elastic materials or components to another?


block diagram of 2 ups system connected in hot stand by mode?


What do you mean by balanced color way?


what is the voltage between earth to neutral in lift.


load combinations how many types for staad design purpose?


If SFU is Switch Fuse Unit, What is the expansion for FSHF in Electrical Engineering?