Organic Chemistry Interview Questions
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what is lithipone?

Dr Reddys, Jubilant, Lupin, ONGC, Reddy Labs,

6 22777

what is redox potential of an organic compound?

Dr Reddys, Glenmark, Lupin, Reddy Labs,

2 18006

what is saponification of oils?

Cipla, Indian Potash Limited,

2 16144

How 'salting out' process is used in extraction?

PH.D Interview,

2 17306

What are geometrical isomerism? Explain them with an example?

PH.D Interview,

1 12910

Mention the factors affecting solubility of compounds?

PH.D Interview,

9 17414

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?

Dr Reddys,

11 30290

what are ligases?which type of reactions they will catalyse?

1 6736

what happens when aminoacids react with alcohols?

GVK, GVK Biosciences, Pharmaceutical, Reddy Labs,

3 17484

what is the difference between coordinate covalent bond and covalent bond?

Flamingo Pharmaceuticals,

9 33523

what are the 4 classes of unsaturated fatty acids?

College School Exams Tests, Snowcem Paints,

1 5742

Which is useful in the manufacture of Insectisides?

RR Enterprises,

2 7014

The Name Benzene was Proposed By?

Cipla, GVK, Torrent Pharma,

24 31452

Number of Sigma Bonds Present in Benzene are same as ..?


13 24638

Which one of the Following is not Aromatic? 1)Cyclotetrane 2)Benzene 3)Napthalene 4)Anthracene

8 16768

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Un-Answered Questions { Organic Chemistry }

Explain the process of obtaining Protactinium from its primary sources and its purification methods.


Discuss the role of Actinium in neutron sources and its contribution to scientific research and advancements.


How to synthesize methylene bisthiocyanate using CH2Cl2 and NaSCN?


naphtha and hexane mixture can be used a fuel or not


what is stero electronic factor.2 what is steric control factor and what is product control factor


Suppose we prepared pH buffer solution in lab.and calibrate against NIST solution, and same shall going to used upto 30 days. is it possible to stable pH and appearance? suggest?


why in uv calibration in Limt of absorbance parameter specific absorbance is calculated only for selected wavelength


What is the Difference Between 3M KCL and 4M KCL, WHy We are Filling 3M KCL In electrode Instead of 4M KCL


Explain the process of protactinium-uranium fractionation and its implications for understanding geological and geochemical processes.


Any one is alembic pharmaceutical ltd. On starting to job ?


Assuming that the density of the solution is the same as the density of water (density of water=1.000g/ml), calculate the mass of water for both reactions using: mass of water = Volume of water Density of water. Mass of water =


Which form of Sucores is harmfull to humans ?


What is the organic structure of cetearyl alcohol?


Actinium has potential applications in cancer treatment. Could you elaborate on how Actinium-225 is used in targeted alpha-particle cancer therapy?


Protactinium is a rare and highly radioactive element. How is its radioactivity utilized in various scientific and industrial applications?