NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?

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NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / tulasi

its the structure of amino acid

Is This Answer Correct ?    67 Yes 8 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / nirmala

this is the structure of alpha amino acid & this is the
first member of alpha amino acid & it is glycine.

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 2 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / srinivasa aro

this is the structure of alpha amino acid & this is the
first member of alpha amino acid & it is glycine

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / prashantha

optically inactive amino acid called by name GLYCINE.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 1 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / rakesh


Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / stephano


Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / jim hallinner

It is robbin williams dna

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / vaibhav k. more

It's member of amino
acid & known as

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / vaibhav more

Amino acid known as glycine

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

NH2-CH2-COOH belongs to what structure?..

Answer / vishal_kamble

structure of this compound is peptide

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 18 No

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