Physical Chemistry Interview Questions
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why the atomic weights are in fractions?

1 7323

Why does the experimental lattice enthalpy of NaI differ greatly from the theoretical lattice enthalpy?


Give an expression for Ka for ethanoic acid?

3 19808

what is enthalpy of hydration?

2 7132

How do you measure order of reaction?

2 5801

What happens to the solubility of group II Sulphates as you go down the group?

3 12008

How to accelerate electron capture decay?


How the value of Absorbance and molar extinction coefficient are caluculated?


2 9364

If the H were a classic particle what would be the tunneling probability?

1 4078

what is an Amphipathic protein?

3 16832

The use of vermilion on rubric of the Tartar Relation is confirmed by the presence of three lines attributed to HgS. Why should this diatomic have more than one vibrational line?


What is Downward Displacement of Water?

BARC, RyanAir,

11 45858

What is emf and how is it used to arrange Metals in Reactivity Series?

3 12509

How much is the molar extinction coefficient of methylene blue at wavelenght 664 nm? Are molar extinction coefficient depend on concentration of solution?

Indfrag Limited,

3 24985

why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?

PSO, Reliance,

13 38486

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Un-Answered Questions { Physical Chemistry }

Write the each half cell reaction and also net cell reaction for a cell


The use of vermilion on rubric of the Tartar Relation is confirmed by the presence of three lines attributed to HgS. Why should this diatomic have more than one vibrational line?


Why does the experimental lattice enthalpy of NaI differ greatly from the theoretical lattice enthalpy?


what kind of question can be asked in interview for polarimeter related ?


Find out how to make artifacts the maxwell boltzmann theory of gases . ps. I don't speak English that well


What can be the supporter of combustion except oxygen.


What is the requirement to give RFlow when using RID detector?


Normally entropy is expressed as q/T. But, work and heat have same unit. Why can't it be replaced by work?


What is the brigg's raucher reaction?


what is induction on electrical insulators


what is allowable limit Of stray light for a spectrophotometer laboratory instruments ?


what kind of question can be asked in interview for UV- VISIBLE & give me answer ?


How can be set a responds factor for evaluating a unknown impurity by HPLC


How to accelerate electron capture decay?


what does 50 denote in dowex 50 ????