Manual Testing Interview Questions
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i want to take the questions of software testing of QA infotech company



what is latentbug

5 6684

hi can any one suggest how to write test case for a text box regarding its hight and width. How do you know that the text box having correct hight & Width?

1 3730

what r ur strengths?

4 9871

how many testers r there in ur project?and hw did u divide ur work? plzzzzzzz answer

3 6091

what are your strengths?(in testing) plzzzzzzzzz answer this question thanku.

5 16761

what is Agile modal in (sdlc) and how is works ?

Credence, Keane India Ltd,

2 5416

is retesting and regression same

SAP Labs,

4 7720

how test cases are written in test direcror directly or u fetch from xls

SAP Labs,

4 7364

what is sychronization point in qtp how u put in yr application when it is put wat is its use how it is useful

Polaris, Quick Heal, SAP Labs,

3 10612

if u find bug is duplicated is it needed to again log it .how do u find bug is duplicated using test director as a tool

SAP Labs,

2 6671

hi, can any one tell me which book is simple to learn (technical words)in testing ?


1 3890

what is a functionality

8 9528

Is it necessary to test application in lower versions of OS when you have tested in latest version


4 5656

If developers team doesn't agree with the bug raised by you, what is the next step would you take


8 14889

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

1.Acceptance testing involves procedures for identifying acceptance criteria for interim life cycle products and for accepting that? 2.Acceptance testing occurs only at the end point of the development process; it should be an ongoing activity that test both interim and final it?


Hello Varun, Kindly send me the material as well as sample question papers as i am interested in doing the certification. Kindly help me out in this regard. Here is my mail ID:


how to create automation frame work ?


how will we change the server system time?


When the GUI Testing will be held on the V model ?


What type of projects can include in Logistics Domain? and what is the type of domain for project which include Driving license renewal, Different type of title registration etc...


Explain some techniques for developing software components with respect to testability.


What is the Jar file?


Can any one explain me about hybrid integration testing? and what is interface in integration testing? thanks in advance...... regards, MurthySharma.Manchella


What is the purpose of test strategy?


What is ofx testing?


hai friends i need a general test cases for check box,drop down button and radio butoon can anybody reply me plz..........thanks in advance


What is pesticide paradox? How to overcome it?


please send me interview questions asked in google in testing - manual


can any one send sample test cases for database testing by taking an example? also leave emailid please. thanks (very urgent)