Software Interview Questions
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In a return process for a faulty material for which invoice is done and customer wants to settle in 2 scenarios 1-- in credit memo and 2--by another material, how to configure this.

1 3745

What is the importance of reconciliation account in customer master?

4 8343

How can we configure that an Invoice is printed and sended immediately to the customer's e-mail account? How to configure this?

1 4005

What is the function of Profit center in Material master and how will system react when it finds Profit center in MM/when it does not find Profit center in MM? Plz answer for both the scenarios?

1 4593

I have done account determination but when i releasing the document to accounting error showing "error in account determination". What is the problem & how to solve this.

4 5581

what is DLL Hell and how it is solved in .NET? please explain clearly??



Sales order is created 1st june for 200 tooth pastes 100 brushes free of goods (2+1 free goods). At the time of delivery on 15th june you have shortage of brushes by 30, offer closed on 15th june. How do you solve in this scenario??

5 6403

Can we call a stored procedure from a unix script which is run using command task


1 6197

Can anyone briefly describe abt audit table loading?


2 6073

plzz tell me what we can do and dont in tally ERP & sap business one?


how to hide the scroll bar in forms 6i

2 12450

What are the main interface used in SAP FICO? Also what is the use of BAPIs in sap fico?

Cap Gemini,

2 26141

Which is the better framework for web applications, struts or spring, and why?


1 3930

give me the defination of inheritance?


5 7555

The company is a fake company asking for money of RS10000 while training and not offering a job after training. My humble request to you people not to attend Astersys interview


1 2522

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Clarify the utilization of aggregator cache record?


What is the best web framework for Python?


Explain is it better to use a pointer to navigate an array of values, or is it better to use a subscripted array name?


What is multilevel indexing?


how to overcome kernel isssues


What are transactions in sql?


What is razor view engine in mvc?


How does sap know that an operation has components as indicated by the component allocation indicator?


What are lsi keywords?


How do you do for loops in python and r?


How to attach a file to TD?


What type of transaction management spring support?


What are the file formats supported by spark?


What are the operating systems in which sybase could take its presence?


What is the Disadvantage in File Processing System?