Software Interview Questions
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HI! I have completed my testing course in 2008. but now am working in banking sector as a data analyst and i want to move to an IT based company but am unable to understand whether i have to complete the testing course again and try for a job .

1 3135

can u suggest me am in a confusion to choose whether to go to c programming or a software testing . am a graduate in

1 2582

Hi, Please give the answer to this question? I have Phisical file with 100 records,there is no any duplicate records in this pf.Based on this pf one Logical file i have used.But this lf is viewing only 80 records only of that pf?What is the reason for this?Please give me answer?


4 7698

what is ANSI and ISO


7 6904

Give the sample code for ItemStockGroupwise Report?


1 4662

what are the questions that will be asked for a 3yrs experienced candidate in solaris system admin. how to face first hr round if one puts fake experience of 2or 3 yrs in solaris system admin. please respond with an opt answer. thank you in advance...

HCL, Wipro,

2 8323

How I use global variable in another page without using $_GET method?

9 8659

How is Jmeter tool very useful in projects when it does not have features like online monitoring,WAN emulation,caching like other performance tools.


Second random id = ".$ad1[$rand_keys[1]]; ?>

1 4131

How to same in period and FY by using Transaction code MMPV


What is the differences between AGR_1251 and AGR_1252?

Cap Gemini,

2 14692

SU24 must be set up before implementing any roles. A. True B. False

Cap Gemini,

2 8459

What is the differences between AGR_1251 and AGR_1252?

Cap Gemini,

4 55695

SU24 must be set up before implementing any roles. A. True B. False

Cap Gemini,

3 10264

In which table you can see authorization group for table and which table to see authorization group for program?

Cap Gemini,

8 34721

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are custom reports? : salesforce admin


Explain the troubleshooting procedure to integrate the build system with azure cloud services for continuous deployments?


How to define new testplan attributes?


Which is the parent class of linkedhashset class?


What is the difference between an event and a delegate?


Write a function that swaps the values of two integers, using int* as the argument type?


What is an mr?


What is the default location of result pages and how can we change it?


Is postgresql a language?


Do you think you can assign any ip address to an instance?


What is the function of ‘git checkout’ in git?


Popular term ‘mobile first design’ was introduced in bootstrap from beginning?


What are templates in django?


How to get the debug log of connection user in salesforce to salesforce integration?


How Facebook Uses Hadoop, Hive and Hbase ?