Software Interview Questions
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how can we print both side in smartforms? what connects smartform to it's driver program? in which event validation is done?

2 10013

how to deploy the application

Oracle, RBS,

1 2551

howmany types in garbage collection

7 17027

how to monitor the servers

4 8499

howmany connection pool in connection


3 6730

what is backflush? what are the benefits of back flush?

4 30498

what is liquid fuel testing?


what is the FURRRPSC model?


2 6204

1. How do you validate information content, what you have written?

1 5529

List a typical outline for an Operations Manual?

2 6934

Except billing where is the touchpont of SD with FI during the transactions

4 5969

I have installed LR 8.0v on my system and wanted to test siebel web application. when i tried to record the application throught siebel web protocol, the launcher tries to connect to that URL but after some time the URL gives as Page Cannot Be Displayed, the same URL when we login manually it works fine. LR is not able to connect to the Application. What could be the reason? Can some one please help me on this. Thanks In Advance

Accenture, IBM, IEG,

1 3494

why unix operating system provides more security than other operating systems?

4 15270

why unix commands can be divided into internal and external commands?


3 10583

What is PRIME TABLE and what are the uses of it

1 3478

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What are the different types of applications supported in .net (or) .net framework?


how to write test cases on SRS?tell me any example which type of certification is usefull for less then 1 yr exp. people in testing. can anybody know immediatly sent it which the answer


What is raid, and how it can influence database performance?


What is modules?


Mention some instances where zookeeper is using?


Explain Constructor and destructor?


What is the difference between an enumeration and a set of pre-processor # defines?


What is ODBC Direct and Microsoft Jet Database Engine ?


Explain how does hbase actually delete a row?


In iis version 6.0 through application pool we can provide different -2 applications for the client. Is it right? If yes then how to provide the application to the client and what kind of application it can be?


Does upgrading windows erase data?


What is the default value for personnel subarea and business area?


How can we create new transaction codes in sap?


Do you know how to configure DB2 side of the application?


How can Flume be used with HBase?