Software Interview Questions
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what are reference designators and how they are used practically .Please site few examples.

5 18755

how do you port scaning with netcat command?

Qseap Technologies, Wipro,

1 6722

how do u find remote machine operating system and version?


10 29300

how do u extract files from iso cd images in linux?


5 9080

how to add linux user to group?

18 18524

what is the difference between rename and label



how can i access a direct (absolute, not the offset) memory address? here is what i tried: wrote a program that ask's for an address from the user, creates a FAR pointer to that adress and shows it. then the user can increment/decrement the value in that address by pressing p(inc+) and m(dec-). NOW, i compiled that program and opened it twice (in 2 different windows) and gave twice the same address to it. now look what happen - if i change the value in one "window" of the program, it DOES NOT change in the other! even if they point to the same address in the memory! here is the code snippet: //------------------------------------------------------ #include //INCLUDE EVERY KNOWN HEADER FILE #include //FOR ANY CASE... #include #include #include main() { int far *ptr; //FAR POINTER!!! long address; char key=0; //A KEY FROM THE KEYBOARD int temp=0; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter Address:"; cin>>hex>>address; //GETS THE ADDRESS clrscr(); (long)ptr=address; temp=*ptr; //PUTS THE ADDRESS IN THE PTR cout<<"["< 1821

find out what file systems supported by kernel?

4 7954

how to view how many samba user in solaris

3i Infotech,

4 7680

I want to know how to connect to DataBase from our MIDP application. I need just code for this


4 6556

can use the following like overloading concept in a single package: procedure p1(a varchar), procedure p1(a varchar2), procedure p1(a char)

5 7022

please give me the list of top 10 authorized SAP institutions in Mumbai & Pune . please forward along with their address & telephone number.

1 3267

Write 2 scenarios for System testing?


Write 2 scenarios for Integration testing? Please let me know its urgent.


What is the difference found during the Web Page testing & Desktop testing?

2 4769

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Explain what is cells in openstack?


Explain how can you be sure that a program follows the ansi c standard?


What is the basic structure of the SAS base program?


How to pad with leading zeros an int or smallint in sybase?


What happens if both JOBLIB & STEPLIB is specified ?


Explain about Web sphere MQ JMS Provider?


What is hidden share?


How is the 8085 microprocessor different from the previous 8 series microprocessors?


how can we transpose a table using sql (changing rows to column or vice-versa) ? : Sql dba


Are you willing to relocate to any different city immediately for a project?


Explain the different parts that constitute ASP.NET application?


What is sequence number


In my screen flow I have 4 assignments. When I am at 3rd assignment, I want to route it to a different user. How can it be done ?


Explain how you can streamline log files using apache storm?


How to import vsam files from source to target. Do we need a special plugin?