Software Interview Questions
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Hi Friends.... anyone know who is giving coaching for CSTE exam in bangalore....pls inform me that would be helpful for me...Thankx in advance.

2 3358

How do you check the listening ports on a windows box? Command line.


6 12949

What is the command to start a service in Windows from command line?

5 10121

can any one define V-V testing?....thanks in advance

3 6006

A file has multiple records each having three 30-bit long fields(field1,field2,field3).There is also a lookup file,LOOK_UP.dat.Now, we need to consider only the last ten digits of field1 and lookup the file LOOK_UP.dat. If there a match then field2 and field3 should replaced with corresponding data from the lookup file. otherwise that particular record,for which there is no match, should be stored in a seperate file.


2 3849

There are three departments A,B and C.Write a query to display the names of all the persons( in departments other than A) who are paid higher than the person receiving the lowest salary in DEPT A


1 3597

There is a record with fields namely name,roll no.,salary,grade etc.Now,write a script to create a file with multiple records have same combination of fields but with unique roll numbers.The script should work for different names in the input file.


1 4994

What is Test Pack in software testing? OR What Test Pack consist of?

2 22855

what is the difference b/w test scenario and test case? pls explain with one example the preparation of both? thanks in advance ................

4 6627

Why dint delete the index.bat file in system?


which is the best institute for testing in hyd?

14 15973

1.what is the difference between file eway and batch eway? 2.What is meant by built and deploy? 3.How to create webservice in seebeyond? 4.What is webservices?


3 7462

How to explian the V model. Diagram not required but iwant the answer gnerally No Diagram explanation plzzzzzzzzzz..

Accenture, TCS,

2 11587

How do display error messages instantly when command fails?


2 6171

how do find all failed login attempts via ssh?


8 20509

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Can xml tags have spaces?


Tell me what is the use of .size() method in jquery?


What is google possum?


What is percentage approved.


What is the draw back of Procedures? why we are going to Modules?


What are the different components required by cloud architecture?: cloud computing architecture


What is the ngmodule?


How do I lock certain parts of a word document 2016?


Explain how cassandra writes changed data into commitlog?


What is meant by autowiring?


What are the basics needed for using power bi?


What are the steps to take to improve performance of a poor performing query? : sql server database administration


What rules are to be followed while using the corresponding options?


What is the use of statement in jdbc?


What are the four channels of a wpf color object?