Software Interview Questions
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How to process records in batches like 1-20 records in first execution and 21-40 records in second run.. so on


How to convert a single column values 1 2 3 4 to single row of 4 columns ? And vice-versa


Runtime behavior of Normalize and Reformat


What will be the output when a file with 0 records is connected as input to a reformat and an output file? Note that in reformat we have assigned hardcoded values to output columns.


Difference between output_index and output_indexes in reformat


Q1 On the screen how do you write the following words? she sells seashells by the seashore (a) all in one line (b) in three lines Q2 Write a program that asks interactively the user’s name and age and responds with Hello name, next year you will be next_age. where next_age is age + 1 Q3 For the different values of n, what is the output? printf(“%x %c %o %d”,n,n,n,n); (a) n = 67 (b) n = 20 (c) n = 128 (d) n = 255 (e) n = 100 Q4 What will be the output of the following program? int main() { char a,b,c; scanf(“%c %c %c”,&a,&b,&c); printf(“a=%c b=%c c=%c”,a,b,c); return 0; } [Note: The user input is:ABC DEF GHI]

1 1233

What are all the important Key Metrics in Software Testing?

1 868

what is different between auto and local static? why should we use local static?


how to get sum of sal based on dept_no and then sum of all sal irrespective of dept_no in same sql. output:- 10, 200(sum of sal for dept_no 10), 5000(sum of all sal)


Sal abap on hana interview


The user reported that buyer Grbic 81 DOO, SAP code 200021394 has busy Credit Limit in amount of 1.312,93 RSD, which makes blockades on the stuff delivery to the buyer. This makes Open delivery which is not recognized by the SAP overview. The user asks for the additional check and resolution of the issue.


How to create lov dynamically in oracle forms which is data comes from database procedure of out parameter, data will will out parameter of procedure base

1 853

create or replace procedure search_matter(empno varchar2) as sql_stmt varchar2(200); stmt varchar2(200); v_table_name varchar2(200); val_pres number; inp_value varchar2(200); type obj_typ is table of cols.column_name%type index by binary_integer; type all_col is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer; typ_obj_typ obj_typ; typ_all_col all_col; begin select object_name bulk collect into typ_obj_typ from user_tables,user_objects where table_name = object_name AND object_type = 'TABLE'; select empno into inp_value from dual; dbms_output.put_line('inp value : '||inp_value); for i in typ_obj_typ.first..typ_obj_typ.last loop v_table_name := NULL; v_table_name := typ_obj_typ(i); dbms_output.put_line(i||':'||typ_obj_typ(i)); dbms_output.put_line('....................'); sql_stmt := 'select column_name from cols where table_name = :1 and data_type in (''CHAR'', ''VARCHAR2'', ''NCHAR'', ''NVARCHAR2'',''NUMBER'')'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt bulk collect into typ_all_col using typ_obj_typ(i); for inside in typ_all_col.first..typ_all_col.last loop dbms_output.put_line('sql stmt: '||sql_stmt); dbms_output.put_line('column name: '||typ_all_col(inside)||'table name: '||typ_obj_typ(i)); stmt := 'select count(*) from ||typ_obj_typ(i)||'; EXECUTE_IMMEDIATE stmt into val_pres ; if val_pres = 1 then dbms_output.put_line('value present col name: '||typ_all_col(inside)||'table name :'||typ_obj_typ(i)); end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('....................'); end loop; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('sql code '||sqlcode||'Table name: '||v_table_name); dbms_output.put_line('sql message '||sqlerrm); end; Compile-time I am getting below error, Plz help to resolve. LINE/COL ERROR -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 47/23 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "STMT" when expecting one of the following: := . ( @ % ;


what is the reference for MB51 and MB41?

1 643

How to approach as a security consultant when a custom t code is created?

1 1105

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

List some features of javascript.


What is the best ecommerce platform 2019?


What file types you can deploy into websphere?


Difference between data grid and advanced data grid?


What is one-to-many?


Can private class be extended java?


Why we use void main in c?


Which tcp/ip port does sql server run?


Where do u set the default paragraph?


Explain about the execution pl of a pig script?
differentiate between the logical and physical plan of an apache pig script?


What are the different table types that are supported by teradata?


How to delete a material completely?


Which services would you not use to deploy an app?


What determines the level of risk?


What happens when two users try to access to the same file in HDFS?