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DELL Interview Questions
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what are the stages in Testing life cycle?

50 109697

what is the difference between Load,Stress and Volume Testing?

11 29472

For what purpose are the virtual users created ?

7 14673

What is bundle of His?

5 20752

What is the function of jugular veins?

1 13770

What is the function of Epiglottis?

2 9149

What are the female sex hormones secreted by ovary?

3 9001

What happens when a main method is declared as private?

22 57125

Differentiate between Server Transfer and Response Redirect?

2 9970

why should i hire u?

22 80428

May i know high priority&low seviarity,high seviarity&low priority

13 24097

What is your salary expectation

38 122455

Can an unreachable object become reachable again?

3 20803

what are active and Passive Components?

102 206042

tell about yourself, please do give with example .

40 118283

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Campaign mgt wt you know? Wt are the settings will you do?


What is cementum?


How to test the Secure Elite 440 Multi function meter working condition.


Explain the scenario where we have to use Component Interface Statndard methods and Session methods.


Which search method takes less memory?


How do I delete a sql server database?


Why the current in power diode varies linearly rather than exponentially with voltage?


List out few jmeter listeners?


How to get the debug log of connection user in salesforce to salesforce integration?


What is servlet in web technology?


What is the command to check the maven version?


Explain what is not cluster analysis?


Why comparison of types is important for MapReduce?


When would you use a before or after trigger?


How will u call java method from flex?