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DELL SQL Server Interview Questions
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What are the all different types of Joins in SQL Server 2000, Anybody can explain each join with definition..Thanks in advance....

9 60892

I have a table EMP in which the values will be like this EmpId Ename Sal DeptId 11 Ram 10000 10 11 Ram 10000 10 22 Raj 20000 20 22 Raj 20000 20 33 Anil 15000 30 33 Anil 15000 30 I want to delete only duplicate Rows. After Delete I want the output like this EmpId Ename Sal DeptId 11 Ram 10000 10 22 Raj 20000 20 33 Anil 15000 30

13 16033

How to select nth record from a table?

13 37271

What are the factors you will check for the performane optimization for a database query?

7 9873

Post New DELL SQL Server Interview Questions

DELL SQL Server Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

To generate supply network planning pds data, what should be pds type? : supply chain management


How to register a broadcast receiver?


What is autoproxying?


What is mean by merge sort?


What are the different types of abap reports in sap?


What are the new data controls in 2.0?


Which processor is better amd or intel?


what is the format specifier for printing a pointer value?


Is oracle a programming language?


what are the Types of LockEdits in RDO?


What methodology can be followed to store more number of objects in a remote server?


I would like to know where the batch status can be set in sap. We have the stock type q for quality inspection. We would like stock type r for rework and s for blocked. Where can this be set in sap?


Tell us what is the native image generator?


What is nsmanagedobjectcontext? What are the different concurrency types?


How do I find the database name in mysql?