What is Copy Constructor?

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What is Copy Constructor?..

Answer / swetcha

The purpose of a copy constructor is to initialize a new
object of a given class by copying an existing object of
that class.

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What is Copy Constructor?..

Answer / srikanth kanchari

Copy constructor is created by the compiler if you dont
Create, but it does shallow Copy of the Object so there is
a need to create a copy constructor by the Developer to
make deep copy of the object.

Normally it will be

Class A
A(A&);// copy constructor

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What is Copy Constructor?..

Answer / sanjay gupta


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What is Copy Constructor?..

Answer / shrikant kale

I think the answer to this is very interesting.

For one, I believe that in Java all objects are on the
heap, and while you don't have pointers, you do
have "References". References have copy symantics and java
internally keeps track of reference counts so that it's
garbage collector knows whats safe to get rid of.

Since you only access objects through copyable references,
the actual number of times you need to copy an object is
greatly reduced (for example, in C++ just passing an object
to a function (by value) results in new objects being copy
constructed, in Java only the reference to the object is
passed). The designers probably figured that clone() would
be enough for the remaining uses.

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What is Copy Constructor?..

Answer / naveen kumar

The copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object of the same class, which has been created previously.

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