hi i am chemical engg. 4 year student i am not placed till
year what will i do for my batter futere

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hi i am chemical engg. 4 year student i am not placed till year what will i do for my batter fu..

Answer / sada

hi.....i am also a chemical eng....working in reliance
petrochemical groups.... upto me ....if u want a job go
through o.p guptha and general aptitude books and attend
all the entrance exams.....u will....gwt a job.......

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hi i am chemical engg. 4 year student i am not placed till year what will i do for my batter fu..

Answer / ramkaran patel

first you prepare interview question of your field then
aplly.you keep up ur confidence think ``u r the best u can
do every think``

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hi i am chemical engg. 4 year student i am not placed till year what will i do for my batter fu..

Answer / magesh

Be confident in what you do. Move to a city like Mumbai or Bangalore and try searching over there. A lot of interviews happen in those cities. Develop good language and communication skill. Remember everyone will get opportunities. But it is how you make use of this opportunity.

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