Where was G 20 Summit held in 2016?

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More Banking Finance Interview Questions

Hi.. I have done B.Tech. in Biotechnology student. Now I am applying for bank jobs. I would like to know what should be my answer if they ask being a biotechnology student why are u interested in banking sector? Kindy reply plsssss

0 Answers   ICICI,

What do you know about SEZ?

0 Answers   SEBI,

why did you chose this specialization( finane,HR)

3 Answers   Capital IQ,

What percent of revenue is contributed for CSR by the MNCs

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

What is Minimum savings bank interest and who fixes it?

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

What is 'banking cash transaction tax (bctt)'?

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What does ICFAI stands for?

0 Answers   SEBI,

What is net present value?

16 Answers  

What do you understand by gift card?

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

Comment on Demonetization?

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

What is the difference between Long term Loan and Debt?

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What are the responsibilities of financial manager?

32 Answers   Banking, College School Exams Tests, Eskom, HDFC, Hyundai, IBM, Manufacturing, Tata Steel Limited,

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