Engineering Interview Questions
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If the Brush of DC motor is shifted by 90 deg, then what happens to voltage and torque? Both voltage and torque are zero. how to justify the answer?


What happen when change order of CT in GIS feeder?


how to calculate bearing width


FOOD ENGINEERING - QUESTION 23.3 : (a) In the measurement of the browning (optical density) of fruit juice at 10 day interval, the following pairs of data are obtained with time t in days and browning or optical density (OD) : t = 0, OD = 0.05; t = 10, OD = 0.071; t = 20, OD = 0.089; t = 30, OD = 0.11; t = 40, OD = 0.128; t = 50, OD = 0.149; t = 60, OD = 0.17. (i) By using Excel or other programs, determine if such browning reaction can be characterised by pseudo zero order kinetics, with strong correlations between the data pairs of t and OD. (ii) When OD = 0.24, the shelf life T of such juice is expired. Calculate the value of T. (b) Let food cost percentage = ( food cost / food sales ) x 100. If total food cost of bread and butter are $25, food cost percentage of bread is 50 % and for butter is 50 %, find the total food sales of bread and butter.

1 1532

POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.1 : The molecular weights M in kg / mol of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Ma = 14, Mb = 16 and Mc = 18. The fraction of polymer chain X of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Xa = 0.5, Xb = 0.3 and Xc = 0.2. (i) Calculate number average molecular weight by using the formula Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc. (ii) Calculate weight average molecular weight by using the formula (Ma Xa Ma + Mb Xb Mb + Mc Xc Mc) / (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc). (iii) Calculate the polydispersity by using the answer in (ii) divided by answer in (i). (iv) If the molecular weight of repeat unit is 12, calculate the degree of polymerization by using the formula (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc) / (molecular weight of repeat unit).

1 1753

Planning Engineer interview model question and answer

Tata Power,

1 1739

which type of binding wire gauge using gulf countries

Al Rashed,

2 2256

what is difference between 2 pole structure and 4 pole structure in transformer yard



POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.2 : Let C% be the fractional crystallinity, Rs = density of sample, Ra = density of amorphous form and Rc = density of crystalline form. In a polymer, these unknowns could be related by the equation C% = (Rc / Rs) (Rs - Ra) / (Rc - Ra). (a) Find the equation of Rc as a function of C%, Rs and Ra. (b) Two samples of a polymer, C and D exist. For sample C, C% = 0.513 when Rs = 2.215 unit. For sample D, C% = 0.742 when Rs = 2.144 unit. Both samples C and D have the same values of Ra and Rc. Find the values of Ra and Rc in 6 decimal places.

1 1468

POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.3 : The molecular weights M in kg / mol of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Ma = 14, Mb = 16 and Mc = 18, with their respective quantities in N units having the ratio of Na : Nb : Nc = 2 : 3 : 5. (a) Find the numerical average molecular weight of the polymer by using the formula (Ma Na + Mb Nb + Mc Nc) / (Na + Nb + Nc). (b) Find the weighted average molecular weight of the polymer by using the formula (Ma Na Ma + Mb Nb Mb + Mc Nc Mc) / (Ma Na + Mb Nb + Mc Nc). (c) Calculate the polydispersity Q by using the answer in (b) divided by answer in (a). (d) Find the volumetric average molecular weight of the polymer by using the formula (Ma Na Ma Ma + Mb Nb Mb Mb + Mc Nc Mc Mc) / (Ma Na Ma + Mb Nb Mb + Mc Nc Mc). (e) Estimate the polydispersity Q by using the answer in (d) divided by answer in (b).

1 1504

is there any chart showing the suitable cable size according to AMP and length ? for three phase motors


PETROLEUM ENGINEERING - QUESTION 25.1 : Fact 1 : Dry air contains 20.95 % oxygen, 78.09 % nitrogen, 0.93 % argon, 0.039 % carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases by volume. Fact 2 : Volume occupied is directly proportional to the number of moles for ideal gases at constant temperature and pressure. Fact 3 : 12.5 moles of pure oxygen is required to completely burn 1 mole of pure octane. Fact 4 : Air-fuel ratio (AFR) is the mass ratio of dry air to fuel present in a combustion process such as in an internal combustion engine or industrial furnace. Fact 5 : Molecular weight of oxygen gas is 31.998 g / mole and molecular weight of nitrogen gas is 28.014 g / mole. (a) Find the molar ratio of nitrogen and oxygen, or (moles of nitrogen) / (moles of oxygen) in dry air, by assuming ideal features of nitrogen and oxygen gases. (b) How many moles of nitrogen are available if dry air is used to completely burn the 1 mole pure octane? (c) Find the mass of fuel of 1 mole of octane with molecular weight of 114.232 g / mole. (d) Find the mass of dry air with 12.5 moles of pure oxygen by assuming only oxygen and nitrogen gases exist in the air. (e) Find the air-fuel ratio (AFR) when octane is used as fuel. (f) Find the fuel-air ratio (FAR) when octane is used as fuel.

1 1617

PETROLEUM ENGINEERING - QUESTION 25.2 : (a) The American Petroleum Institute gravity, or API gravity, is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water. Let SG = specific gravity of petroleum liquid, and V = barrels of crude oil per metric ton. Given the formula for API gravity = 141.5 / SG - 131.5 and V = (API gravity + 131.5) / (141.5 x 0.159), find the relationship of SG as a function of V. (b) An oil barrel is about 159 litres. If a cylinder with diameter d = 50 cm and height h = 50 cm is used to contain the oil, find the volume V of the cylinder in the unit of oil barrel by using the formula V = 3.142 x d x h x d / 4. (c) First reference : 1 cubic metre = 6.2898 oil barrels. Second reference : 1 cubic metre = 6.37 oil barrels. What are the 2 factors that cause the difference in such reference data?

1 2016

My meter CT is 200/5amps Then my electrical meter MF=???please suggest


2 2291

In T beam design, which are the regions selected as rectangular and Flanged ?

1 1486

Un-Answered Questions { Engineering }

what is debugging?




what is the main function of capacitors in mccs.


Briefly describe your ideal job?


What is the principal of motor?


if salary paid per month rs. 16000/- of female <65 i will deduct tds from his salary please what i will do explain?


differentiate between total moisture and inherent moisture of coal.


How the bearing numbers are allocated?


define the non synchoronism of synchoronous machine in general g or m??


(Project Management Topic) What are the important criteria in the successful realization of the project?


what are control system components?


what is the difference between impact force and sudden force? pls give any example.


Tell me the formula of heat loss in a pipe.


what is the difference between single ratio, multiple core and multiple ratio, multiple core ? please explain.


If I want to replace a 26KW Slip ring Motor with a Squirrel Cage motor & Drive (for a Hoist Application). How can I approximate the Motor & Drive HP required in new Setup.