Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is difference between Chromatographic purity and Related substances analysis?

3 22119

Why we are using the methanol in Kf titration?

Reddy Labs,

6 19664

What is difference between Potency & purity

3 13451

how to hplc calibrated

Dr Reddys, Glochem,

4 51017

state the principle of gas chromatography?

5 11952

Why noise test is performed at 254 nm in calibration of HPLC system?

4 16620

some compound havving uv region but not give much more response during hplc analysis

2 6603

I have got selected for Aurobindo Pharma AR&D, HR person is asking me to sign in agreement. can I join?


19 39145

Why sulfuric acid is used in sulphated ash / residue on ignition test.

CS Pharmaceuticals, Dr Reddys, GVK, HPLC, Micro Labs, Samrudh, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Wings Customer Care,

9 74115

what are the basic requirement for the WHO audit?


1 8424

What is the thickness of polystyrene film?

Pharmaffiliates Analytics and Synthetics,

8 17013

why is their exotherm while addition of reducing agents in reduction reaction?


During Validation study, Recovery is passing at all levels but Linearity is failing. Justify?

Mylan, Torrent Pharma,

1 3954

What is Stray light ? & what is the IMP of this

2 9155

how can I make the copper get white bye any salt or acit?


Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

Which form of Sucores is harmfull to humans ?


In performance Check of GC Why Hexadecane Peak is Considered 


Give the others form of iron ore.


Define hydra?


why require the ph, buffer during hplc mobile phase?


how can karl fischer's titration be used to estimate alcohols??????


what is stero electronic factor.2 what is steric control factor and what is product control factor


why we are using hexane in calibration of number of drop per mL


how to qualify the impurity?


However ozone is heavier than oxygen still ozone is up there in sky why?


how do you make a amine sugar


What are the electrodes used in the measurement of ph for the determination of pka?


How require to develop GC method? how to select diluent, GAS, column selection and other chromatographic conditions?


How is librated iodine estimated?


inhouse product is in capsule form in combination and RLD is in tablet form then can we proceed for multimedia CDP? in inhouse capsule product disso is paddle with sinker in release media is there then RLD product in tablet form then with same as paddle with sinker we can proceed n.a.?