Chemistry Interview Questions
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If we do accuracy at same concentration at which linearity planned,what is the need to do linearity separately?


why we use only sucrose in the calibration of polarimeter?


7 25530

what Mean By Organic Chemistry

3 4967

we shall use Dichloromethane in last stage of API.



What is the Deference between Bulk density & Tap density ?

Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Neuland, Reddy Labs,

2 24085

In burette calibration of Karl fischer Instrument, the multiplication factor 1.00693 is using for how much ml of water dispenced. why

1 3381

which metal is found abundantly in the earths crust??

2 4033

how can we decide the limit of cleaning validation? What is the criteria for it?


2 12617

What is difference between Related Substance & Impurity Profile?

Jubilant Organosys,

2 50370

Why we are injecting low load standard conc. while analysing Related Substances by HPLC?

3 9646

why wetlab is called as wetlab

6 15965

In UV-VIS spectrophotometer:My diluent is methanol even though i corrected base line for methanol,In my sample scan i found methanol peak.what is the reason?

2 9075

What is the diffrence between the performing of LOD ordinary drying at voven and vaccum method.


4 9233

How can we calibrate the burette dispencing capacity in metrorm kf titration calibration

1 5984

how a particular wavelength can be different for a particular compund while analysing by uv and by HPLC.


Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

Explain what is the dipole moment of chlorooctane?


if your impurity coeluting with each other in that situation how require to set specification? is it acceptable?


What is control room temperature and which guide line says?


Why we use DPPH in ESR and DPH in fluorescence spectroscopy?


composition of stainless steel


wtat type quations will be sak in ongc exam?


which one is better separation in high pressure liquide chromatogram orlowpressure chromato gram in hplc


if your product is soluble in 0.1n hcl and water then which you choose as media from these 2 media?


State beer-lambert’s law.


Why six unit used for precision?


What is mineral water?


How we can identify process related and degradation impurity in single method with short period?


can we use the same detector in HPLC as well GC and what could be the differences we can find in the final chromato graph in any aspects?


Why is ammonia added? Why is that same amount of ammonia added?


in DMF having extra impurities and in api COA also having extra imp than USP or BP product then how require to proceed?