Chemistry Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the requirement to give RFlow when using RID detector?


What is unsaponifiable matters?

1 4291

what happen when aminoacids react with alcohol

GVK, Reddy Labs,

1 5600

Is sonication essential in solubility testing of a drug substance?


6 14441

what is different between volumetric solution and general solution

1 17907

what is primary solution and secondary solution

2 7261

what is RI detector Cut-off Value


1 8949

In Related Substances Test how we can reside the limit of impurity ?

MSN Pharma,

2 10291

When i inject amines and acid on HPLC then which peak will elut first?

Sun Pharma,

4 11748

In pharmacopeal solibility parameter of a material, is et essential to test all paramete? If 70-75% parameter passes can we assess that the material is satisfactory or not?


1 4625

Why triethylamine and o-phosphoric acid used while setting pH of mobile phase during HPLC Analysis?

Hapten Healthcare, Pharmaceutical,

6 31340

why RID detector is used for selective materials like Mannitol, Hydroxyethyl Starch and Sorbitol?

5 10354

what is a primary standard? what is a secondary standard solutions?

Practical Viva Questions,

1 5157

for which type of applications gas chromatography is used?

2 5729

for which type of applications gas chromatography is used?

2 5592

Un-Answered Questions { Chemistry }

Give the IUPAC name for [Co(NH3)5Cl] SO4


What is titration?


in each media we require to use SLS? how to proceed?


What is related substance by HPLC impurity limits as per USP?


What is the unit of ph?


As a chemist working with Protactinium, what safety measures and precautions would you take due to its radioactivity?


How would you describe the orientation of the ligands around the zr center in the homogeneous zirconium catalyst? : Polymer Chemistry


why lead acetate s used in the Limit test of Arsenic? what role Lead Acetate plays????


why does used dry caffien in HPLC calibration?


What is the principle of Particle size analysis and zeta potential


how we can identify the impurity is coming below loq at transfering site?


In order to avoid the pyridine catalyst use in many synthesis which is harmfull to environment, which catalyst can be used....?


graphaite has higher melting point than fularine


In performance Check of GC Why Hexadecane Peak is Considered 


Explain how buffer works?