Hi,am being graduated as BE in MECHATRONICS engineering and
now experienced work in mechanical stream for 1.5 years.If
am trying for a job in mechatronics what are the fields do
i need to be known well and is there any companys who
Answer / syed ghouse
You can take career in HVAC engineering where you can use
your Mechtronics knowledge..
You can go BMS( Building Management System)
There are lot of companies who hier Mechatronics engineer
good luck
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HI frds,,,am final yr IT student.. i secured 81% in x 55% in xii 87% in Btech upto last sem (no standing arrears..) i dt kw clearly abt MNC eligibility criteria.. i heard tat TCS hired 1y abv 60% 1y..so pls help me.. wic cmpnys r anouncd 55% may eligibl in 2011??? pls rly me clearly and sugst som of d compny names...
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